Home Page

Hensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Welcome toHensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Willow Class

Willow Class Easter Egg Competition

Willow Class 2023 - 2024

Welcome to the Willow class page. This year, your child will be working with Miss Wallace, Miss S[pink and Miss Emmerson. Each week, you will be able to see what Willow have been up to as we will upload photographs of our learning journey.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need to ask anything or let us know anything, either through your child's communication book or via the school office.

We are very much looking forward to having a fantastic year with an amazing group of children.

World Book Day

We enjoyed spending time with other children in school and sharing stories with them.

Learning Journey 18th December 

Completed Learning Journey and Merry Christmas!

Learning Journey 11th December 

Nativity and the Real Story Behind Christmas

Learning Journey 4th December 

Art and Christmas is Coming... Time to spend it with special people

Learning Journey 27th November

Art, Snow and Safety

Learning Journey 20th November

Timelines and Historical Figures

Learning Journey 13th November

History - toys

The Reception children enjoyed working with their buddies to make their own Pudsey Bear.

Learning Journey 6th November

Fireworks and Remembering

Poppy Art

Autumn Term 1

Learning Journey 23rd October

Celebrate! Autumn, Harvest and Finishing our Toys.

Learning Journey 16th October

Makers week - DT, Music and Face

Learning Journey 9th October

DT Week 2 - Designers

Learning Journey 2nd October

DT Week 1 - Wheels and Axles

Learning Journey 25th September

Science Week 2 - Materials

Learning Journey 22nd September - Science Week 1 - Materials

Learning Journey 15th September 2023
