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Hensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Welcome toHensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.



At Hensall, pupils are taught Religious Education through the schemes of work in the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus. 

Our RE Curriculum enables pupils to explore Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, as well as Christianity. It also encourages the consideration of secular world views.

RE, through this Agreed Syllabus, will encourage and enable pupils to explore their own and other people’s beliefs, values and traditions in meaningful and engaging ways.    We are keen to emphasise to children that not everyone believes in the existence of God, or is religious, and that people have doubts. People are free to decide for themselves, and may reconsider their views at any time during their lives. Our work in RE will encourage pupils to share their diverse range of experiences and grow individually and together with sensitivity and respect towards people of faiths and none. 


The Importance of RE

  • The syllabus contributes to pupils’ personal development and the schools’ provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) and British Values.
  • RE contributes dynamically to children’s education by provoking challenging questions.
  • Pupils learn about world views in local, national and global contexts to discover, explore and consider different answers to these questions.
  • Religion has a major position in public life so it is important that pupils are educated to understand and to engage critically with religions and beliefs, and their representation in the media.
  • RE can be an exciting subject with lessons including a variety of activities: whole class discussions, group discussions, drama, role play, video clips, picture engagement, investigations into key concepts to name but a few.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Curriculum Progression Documents 

The curriculum progression document for R.E shows how we map subject knowledge and skills sequentially from EYFS to Year 6. In each year group, we know the order of what our pupils have learnt, what they are learning and what they will need to learn in the future. This document enables us to identify any gaps in learning that need to be addressed to ensure that new learning makes sense to our pupils.


In addition to this we also map out subject specific vocabulary across school.


Within this document you will see how this is implemented at Hensall and how we provide a range of enrichment opportunities for the children.
