Friends of Hensall School
What is the FHS?
The FHS is a PTA group that raises funds for use by the school.
What does the FHS do?
The FHS organise and run events such as the school fayres, children’s discos and secret rooms for Christmas Mothering Sunday etc.
What is the money raised for?
The money raised by the FHS is used to subsidise things such as the cost of swimming lessons for the children and bus journeys including the pantomime. Leavers’ presents, Easter eggs, Selection boxes and many other small items are funded by the money raised. Any money raised above these requirements is available to the school for any required improvements, for example last year we bought new chairs for every classroom and outdoor play equipment.
Who is involved?
The FHS is run by a mixture of parents, grandparents, and school employees. There is a small committee, but the work towards events is done by many volunteers.
How can I help?
Every little helps. School discos require adults to supervise and volunteers for duties such as present wrapping and stall running are always required. At the moment it is the same volunteers helping at every event, so if you would like to help, but haven't been approached please contact any member of the committee. New views and ideas are also useful, so those who wish can put themselves forward for the committee annually. Committee meetings are held on average 5 times a year and all are welcome to attend whether on the committee or not.
What's the Future?
You may be the future. By the nature of a primary school every pupil moves on after 7 years. This means that those involved in the FHS tend to move on as well, so there is a constant need for parents of younger children to become involved and take over the reins for a few years. The FHS cannot continue without new members coming forward to carry on the efforts, so if you have any spare time and would like to help the school continue to provide a high quality education and a wide range of outside activities at an affordable cost please come and join us.