Join us at our Open Event for New Starters for September 2025 on Thursday 7th November at 5:00 pm. Please call or email to book your place.
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Hensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Welcome toHensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.


New Starters Open Event for September 2025

We welcome enquiries from prospective families who are interested in their child starting, or continuing, their primary education at Hensall Primary School.  We believe it is really important that families visit prospective schools, ours included, to get a feel for the ethos and vision of the school and to see if it is the 'right fit' for their child.


Our 'smaller school' feel is really important to us - we are able to offer our families a family atmosphere in which the staff can tailor a personalised learning programme for your child.  


Can I pre-register my child with the school of my choice?


Parents of pre-school age children are encouraged to register their child’s name at school for Reception, expressing an interest at any time prior to their commencement age. This ensures we can invite your family to any community events we have planned and also ensure you receive information about applying for a school place and an invitation to any early transition events we may offer. Any children pre-registered with a school still need to apply formally to the Admissions department of the Local Authority for a school place.


How do I apply for a school place for my child?


Admissions into school are managed through the Local Authority (LA) and a link to the North Yorkshire County Council Admissions Page is included at the bottom of this page. There is a standard application form which can be completed online, on the link below. The closing date for new admissions in September of any year is usually the January of that year. Any application after this date will be looked at after those who have been received on time, so this could affect the allocation of your child’s place. Parents will receive confirmation of their child's school offer in the April before they are due to start in September. The exact dates can be found on the NYCC Admissions website link below.

As part of our admissions procedure, records from pre-school providers are passed on to us and contact with providers made. All new entrants, including those who transfer mid-academic year, have the opportunity to visit the school and take part in induction days before starting full-time. Our Reception Class Teacher will make contact with pre-school settings in the summer term before our new intake start full-time school.


I would like my child to change schools - what do I do?


Sometimes children need to move school at times other than entry to Reception. These changes may be unavoidable, for example when you move house, or sometimes they occur because of difficulties at your child’s current school. Changing schools is a big event for any child and should not be undertaken without first talking to the head teacher at your child’s current school, to try and resolve any problems.


If you live in North Yorkshire, in-year admission requests must be made by filling in an in-year preference form online listing up to five school preferences. The LA will then look at each preference in turn, starting with the highest, and provide your details to the school. If there is not a place available at that school, they will look at your next highest preference and continue down the list until they can offer your child a place. If they are unable to allocate any of your preferences they will seek to find an alternative place at a school within a reasonable distance of your home. You also have a right to appeal for a place at any of the schools listed on your preference form.


If you are not currently living in North Yorkshire, but are requesting a place at a North Yorkshire school, you should contact your home authority and complete their in-year preference form. If you are planning to move into North Yorkshire, you can still complete our online form, but we will need to know when you are moving and the address in North Yorkshire that you are moving to, to enable us to process your application.


If you have any questions at all about the admission process we will be more than happy to answer these for you. 
