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Hensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Welcome toHensall Community PrimarySchoolHigh expectations for all, by all.

Our School Day

Our School Day

  • The school gates open at 8:45am for children to come straight to class and start their learning
  • The school day ends at 3:30pm 


Break times

  • Children have a morning break of 15 minutes
  • Lunchtime is from 12:00 pm until 01:00 pm



  • Every Monday we have a whole school assembly sharing a theme for the week
  • On a Tuesday we have a whole school singing assembly
  • Wednesday’s are class based assemblies on Picture News (current affairs) themes
  • Thursday the assembly is whole school and builds on the theme of the week
  • Friday we celebrate the achievements of our children in our Celebration assembly


Our total school opening hours are 32.5 hours a week
